Punk Haircut

As a hairstyle, punk consisted of only Mohawks in the beginning which was worn by a certain group of people called hippies. The concept of the punk movement focused on peace, freedom, individual rights and they were opposed to many of the accepted viewpoints about how to live. The movement developed slowly during the early stage. Their very extreme viewpoints didn’t gain much support from either public or individuals worldwide. Until a few years later punk rock was introduced to the world along with punk fashions, the group gradually became the leader of the fashion industry and punk style was widely spread.


Punk Hairstyle


Along with the general punk style came punk hairstyle. More and more famous rock artists were wearing extreme punk outfits while performing. As a result, a large number of rock music followers started to wear this type of wardrobe, which was believed to be the true beginning of the punk movement and the punk hairstyle movement. Initially punk hairstyle ranged from spiked hair, Mohawks to elaborate colored dye jobs. As the punk movement progressed, it was associated with extreme fashion concepts. But some more moderate approaches to punk attitude also gained some followers.


Punk Hairstyle


The group of people holding the new attitude believed a simpler approach to their wardrobes was the best for their, though they were still against establishment. Their views were very similar to their predecessors’, but their hair became less extreme and their outfits less elaborate.


Nowadays both punk styles coexist. Some people wear the extreme punk wardrobe and perform the punk fashion concepts like Mohawks, whereas other people stick to the simple new punk movement ideas which integrate shorter hair and simple spikes with other simple fashion concepts. As both trends continue to unfold, the extreme punk fashions and the more moderate new punk styles will very possibly go on evolve in the new era, turning a new page for the punk movement.

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